
STILL receives internationally renowned sustainability certificate EcoVadis in gold

Sustainably awarded by EcoVadis

Hamburg, 10.09.2021. Acting responsibly towards the environment, partners, customers, and employees is firmly anchored in STILL's corporate philosophy. Therefore, the company has once again undergone a sustainability audit by the international assessment platform EcoVadis this year - with an outstanding result: STILL is awarded the gold sustainability certificate for their commitment regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR).

For ten years now, STILL has been subject to evaluation by the renowned rating agency EcoVadis. It involves taking a close look at the four major sustainability fields 'environment', 'labour practices and human rights', 'fair business practices' and 'sustainable procurement'. After achieving very good results in previous years, STILL was awarded the gold sustainability certificate for the first time in 2021. This puts STILL among the best of the engineering companies examined worldwide by EcoVadis and sets a high standard for forward-thinking, globally active industrial companies. This applies especially to aspects of environmental protection. Here, STILL ranks among the top 1 per cent of all companies assessed in this sector.

Taking responsibility, shaping the future

Operating economically in line with environmental and social standards is a top priority at STILL and forms the basis of all strategic decisions. This includes maximum transparency across the entire value chain, the responsible use of resources from production to disposal, and ensuring and promoting high social and safety standards among suppliers and partners. All these standards are anchored in the company's philosophy and are practised across all divisions and hierarchies. In order to make them as transparent as possible for business partners and customers, STILL has their CSR standards audited by the independent rating agency EcoVadis. "The gold sustainability certificate is a great acknowledgment of our values and our long-standing efforts," says Frank Müller, Senior Vice President Brand Management / Sales & Service Steering STILL EMEA. "Especially in view of the current climate situation, there is no alternative to economic practices that focus on the long-term protection and conservation of our global resources."

CSR - the sales argument of the future

And so certificates like the EcoVadis sustainability medal will become the future quality labels of the economy. Because sustainability and responsibility have never been more in the focus of corporate assessment and international competition than they are today. CSR is no longer a question of image. Rather, operating responsibly together with a value-oriented corporate philosophy have become relevant differentiation criteria and sales arguments in the global competition for customers, orders, and partnerships.

About EcoVadis

The independent rating agency EcoVadis has set itself the goal to support the environmental and social practices of companies. In doing so, the agency follows the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Since the company was founded in 2007, more than 20,000 well-known companies have relied on EcoVadis' expertise in reducing risks, promoting innovation, and creating trust and transparency between business partners. Today, these suppliers from 95 countries are assessed according to more than 150 purchasing categories and 21 CSR criteria. The assessment is carried out by EcoVadis' CSR experts, who evaluate the companies' answers in a survey according to international standards, such as the Global Reporting Index (GRI), the ISO 26000 standard and the principles of the Global Compact. The survey is always designed for the countries in which the companies operate - taking into account the sector and size of the company. In addition, the assessment is based on accompanying documents and information from public bodies and shareholders (NGOs, trade unions, press).